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How to Prep Your Car for Sale

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If it’s time to say goodbye to your old car to bring in a newer model, you will want to prep your car for sale. While a simple listing in San Bernardino or South Beach may get you some results, it’s not a guarantee that you will get the best price. Taking a bit of time to prepare your vehicle for sale will help you get the best results.

As much as you loved your old car, you want potential buyers to know that they are getting a good deal on more than the price. You need to treat the sale of your car the same way as you would selling a home. You want to boost your “curb appeal” to bring in the best offers.

Whether you are selling privately or need cash for cars San Bernardino, you want your old car to shine for potential buyers. Let’s take a closer look at a few ways to prep your car for sale.

Gather All Paperwork

It’s time to go through your glove box or file cabinet to gather all of your vehicle-related receipts. Any work or upgrades that you have had done on your vehicle during your ownership should be included. Make sure that you cut or black out any of your identifying information, such as your phone number or address. If you have your original window sticker that shows all the vehicle’s options and original price, you need to include that in your paperwork. Gather all your receipts and paperwork on the car and put them neatly together in a manilla envelope for the convenience of your buyer.

Deep Cleaning

If your car is less than neat and tidy, it’s time to get out your cleaning supplies. If your car is particularly messy and has some tough stains, you may want to take it to a professional detailer. If you can take care of the cleaning on your own, you can save a bit of money. If you have any stains, you can use a stain remover available at most retailers to help you lift the spots. Give your exterior a good wash and a wax to make it shine.

Small Repairs

If there are a few small issues with your car, now is the time to do the repairs. Replace old windshield wipers with a new set, inspect your tires for balding, and check all of your light bulbs. These small repairs won’t cost you much and they will give your potential buyers fewer items to haggle over.

Create An Honest Ad

Start your car advertisement by taking a number of clear photos. Choose a time of day that has good lighting and take photos from all angles to capture every side of your car. Also, take a series of photos of the interior of your car including a shot of the current mileage. For the bulk of your ad, it’s important to be upfront and honest about the condition of the car. You will get a better response if potential buyers believe you are not hiding anything. Give as much detail as you can in your advertisement including any features or upgrades to the vehicle.

Selling your old car doesn’t have to be a hassle. As you prepare to hit the road in your new car, follow these tips to help you prepare your old car for sale.