Alternative Energy Touted on Capitol Hill
Washington DC August 9, 2006; The AIADA newsletter reported that young people wearing green uniforms with the word "drive" printed across their chests recently mixed with tourists on Capitol Hill as part of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturer's Discover Alternatives advertising campaign.
The campaign, which promotes the industry's work on ethanol and biofuels, targets lawmakers and their staffs, reports The Detroit Free Press. "We felt we should talk about the number of alternative fuel automobiles on the road, with the price of gas being a concern to consumers and the increased focus on energy security," said Alliance spokesman Charles Territo.
"We wanted to let members of Congress know that these aren't just vehicles we talk about. These are vehicles that are on the road today." According to AAM, the auto industry has built 8 million vehicles with alternatives to gasoline engines, including hybrids, diesels and engines that can burn E85.