Amtech Expands Regional Presence in Florida, Georgia, and Canada With Over $4.5 Million in New Electronic Toll and Traffic Management Orders
13 October 1997
Amtech Expands Regional Presence in Florida, Georgia, and Canada With Over $4.5 Million in New Electronic Toll and Traffic Management OrdersDALLAS, Oct. 13 -- Amtech Corporation today announced that its Transportation Systems Group has been selected to supply electronic toll and traffic management (ETTM) equipment and services worth over $4.5 million for three new projects. The orders include equipment for Lee County, Florida's new congestion pricing and electronic toll collection system, a new traffic monitoring system for the Georgia State Tollway Authority, and equipment for a new electronic toll collection system for Saint John Harbour Bridge, in New Brunswick, Canada. "All of these customers are leveraging existing investments. They want to take advantage of installed infrastructure by adding new functionality to their systems, or they want to be interoperable with another toll collection system to provide their patrons the extra advantage of using their tags on a nearby system," said G. Russell Mortenson, president and chief executive officer of Amtech Corporation. "With a full range of services and equipment, from research and development to installation and maintenance, Amtech is unique in its ability to provide customers one-stop shopping and the continuing opportunity to upgrade as they grow." The "LeeWay" Project in Lee County, Florida As one of 10 Federally funded congestion pricing projects in the United States, Florida's "LeeWay" project in Lee County is designed to provide off- peak toll discounts on heavily used bridges to ease congestion and reduce air pollution. Lee County recently selected Amtech to provide electronic toll collection equipment worth $3.1 million for 34 lanes on the Mid Point, Cape Coral, and Sanibel Island Bridges. Amtech will supply 80,000 read-write IT2000 tags for the project. The tags will also be compatible with the Florida Department of Transportation's SunPass system, which is being installed by Amtech for operation scheduled to begin on some parts of the system in 1998. "Lee County selected Amtech, in part, due to its proven ability to supply a large number of tags in a short time frame and to be compatible with the SunPass system," said Chris Swenson, project manager, Lee County. We believe that Amtech's advanced technology is becoming the standard in Florida, giving our residents benefits beyond the county's borders." Georgia 400 in Atlanta Amtech has signed a $1.4 million contract with the Georgia State Tollway Authority to provide an electronic traffic monitoring system for the Georgia 400 in Atlanta. By using tagged vehicles as traffic probes, the system will provide comprehensive data for traveler information systems, traffic diversion messages, and incident reporting. "As a supplement to the camera-based system on some of Atlanta's interstates, this expansion of our system will provide reliable and accurate travel time information along the Georgia 400 corridor," said David S. Burgess, state tollway administrator, Georgia State Tollway Authority. "It is a natural way for us to build on our earlier investment in the "Cruise Card" electronic toll collection system, which was first installed with Amtech's read-only technology in 1993 and then upgraded to Amtech's read/write technology just last year. It has been a very popular program here in Georgia." Saint John Harbour Bridge in New Brunswick, Canada In an effort to reduce toll collection costs and to make paying tolls more convenient, Saint John Harbour Bridge in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, will become the third authority in the Canadian Maritimes to adopt Amtech technology for an electronic toll collection system. Amtech has received an order from the system integrator for 2,500 tags and 10 readers, with delivery currently scheduled to be completed by late 1997. "We needed to find the right electronic toll collection system for our requirements. In evaluating automatic vehicle identification technology, we needed to choose a product that would function in the harsh Canadian winters, " said Jack Keir, general manager, Saint John Harbour Bridge. "Amtech's proven products will enable us to be compatible with other systems scheduled to be operational in the area." The Amtech equipment being installed for Saint John Harbour Bridge's new electronic toll collection system will allow the system to be interoperable with the Amtech systems that will be installed on the nearby Halifax-Dartmouth Bridge and Route 104 in Nova Scotia. Amtech Corporation is a leading global provider of systems and solutions using wireless data and security technologies. The Amtech Transportation Systems Group is the world's leading provider of wireless identification, tracking and monitoring technologies for the intelligent transportation industry. The Amtech Electronic Security Group is a global supplier of electronic access control and security management systems and products marketed under the Cotag International and Cardkey Systems brand names. For further investor information, visit Amtech's investor web site: . SOURCE Amtech Corporation