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Open Road Radio Logo
"Open Road Radio", hosted by Gina Woods, Dan Schmitt and Jim Viverito, is a two hour weekly program focused on various aspects of motorcycling.
New programs air Sunday at 8pm Eastern Time
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Current Show
July 30, 2000

"Mad Sunday"
Once again the 5th Sunday of the month... It's time to voice out your grip. What's making your blood boil out there? What's got you hot under the collar? Have you heard of this new plane rage going on? Call us at 805/591-WCKG to bark out your beef with other motorcyclists, politicians (Dan), traffic, life in general. We'll have a contest for the best grip of the nite! (cool prizes to giveaway). Feature freelance journalist of Easyrider Magazine - David Alderidge (Captain Trash) joins in the fun of the evening with his own fantastic, ludicrous, objective views of the motorcycling world.

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