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Which U.S. Cities Have the Most Red-Light Running Fatalities?

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National Coalition for Safer Roads Shows How Deadly Red-Light Running Is During #StopOnRed2015

Washington, DC -- August 5, 2015: Today, the National Coalition for Safer Roads (NCSR) launched an interactive map that showcases the 7,799 red-light running fatalities that occurred in the United States between 2004 and 2013.

The fatalities are mapped to the city and state that each incident occurred, all the way down to the actual intersection where someone’s life was taken by a collision involving red-light running. Through its search function, the map allows viewers the opportunity to find out how many red-light running fatalities occurred in a particular city.

“The ultimate goal is to honor the lives lost and illustrate the danger of red-light running,” said NCSR President Melissa Wandall, who lost her husband to a red-light running in 2003. “These dots represent a life cut too short, family and friends left to soon, and the harsh reality that red-light running can affect anyone on the roadways if more action isn’t taken to prevent reckless driving.”