Gasoline Prices Around The World
Updated on march 15th 2022
For many months now the price of fuel has been increasing in many countries - but that’s not the case for every country around the world.
We looked at the current fuel costs for the countries deemed the top 50 countries in the world (by population) and found that Venezuela has the cheapest fuel costs around the world, while Germany is the most expensive. Whether you’re comparing gallons in US dollars or litres in UK pounds, Germany is 87-88 times more expensive!
Check out how your country compares to others around the world with the images below:
The price of fuel in US dollars, looking at the price per gallon
The cheapest countries for fuel are Venezuela ($0.095 per gallon), Iran ($0.194) and Algeria ($0.216), while the most expensive are Germany ($8.263), Italy ($8.009) and France ($7.930).
America ranks 24th on the list at $4.460.
The price of fuel in UK pounds, looking at the price per litre The cheapest countries for fuel are Venezuela (£0.019 per litre), Iran (£0.039) and Algeria (£0.245), while the most expensive are Germany (£1.666), Italy (£1.615) and France (£1.599). The United Kingdom ranks 43rd on the list at £1.556.
* Data was readily available for 46 of the top 50 countries by population.