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Claims Advice: Home Theft
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What to do in case of a Home Theft Loss ?
  • Contact your Agent's Office 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to get the claim process started. Your agent can answer questions and arrange to handle covered losses.
  • Contact the police to file a report.
  • Make a list of all items that were taken. This will assist both the police officer and claim employee in identifying the stolen items and evaluating your loss. The more detail you provide, the more helpful the information will be. Your list should contain as much of the following information as possible:

          - a description of each item
          - where each item was purchased
          - when each item was purchased
          - the amount you paid for each item

    If you had previously prepared for the possibility of a loss by videotaping or photographing your possessions and filling out a Household Inventory Records have this information available as it could be of value to the police officer and claim employee.

    To further assist in documenting the stolen items, you should begin to gather all available receipts, owner's manuals, boxes that the items came in, warranty cards, appraisals and/or photographs. This material may be requested by the claim employee assigned to your claim.

    Most homeowner policies will provide coverage for your home if it is damaged in the course of a burglary. Your Agent can answer questions and arrange to handle covered losses. If you must make temporary repairs before you are able to contact your Agent, be sure to save all paperwork (estimates and receipts) pertaining to these repairs.

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